Including at least five statements with measurable metrics is a good practice. Numbers make the value you provide much clearer. Here’s a simple formula to help you write measurable sentences:

Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].
  • Improved website loading speed by 2 seconds as measured by Lighthouse audits, by implementing code splitting and lazy loading for images.
  • Reduced page size by 10% as measured by network traffic analysis tools, by minifying and compressing static assets
  • Achieved a perfect score of 100 on the Google Lighthouse accessibility audit, by ensuring proper color contrast, keyboard navigation, and screen reader compatibility.
  • Reduced user-reported bugs related to UI interactions by 70% as measured by bug tracking software, by conducting thorough user testing and iterating on the design.
  • Maintained a code coverage of 90% for all critical user interface functionalities, by implementing unit and integration tests for front-end components.
  • Increased component reusability by 30% as measured by code analysis tools, by building reusable and well-documented React components.
